01. 04. 2016
Johnny Wide

Anyone Can Be Saved

This is for the soul you have given up on. The issue is not how far gone they are. The issue is how far Jesus has gone. Jesus left heaven. He came all...

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11. 02. 2016
a once great nation

AMERICA: A Once Great Nation

If you listened to our president in his 2016 State of the Union address, you might come to the conclusion you are living in a great nation.  “The United States of America, right...

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07. 07. 2015

God Revive America

“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.” ~Psalm 85:6-7  I want to share with you...

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19. 04. 2015
exploring the gospel

Gospel. Repentance. Faith.

I’ve got good news and I’ve got to share it with you! This week God opened the door to talk with four people who professed repentance and faith in the gospel! One salvation...

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21. 08. 2014
ice cream truck

Ice Cream Evangelism

Evangelism has a bad reputation. This is sad because the word evangelism comes from the Greek, “εὐαγγελίζω” which means “to bring the good news.” In the noun form it is “εὐαγγέλιον” which is...

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24. 07. 2014
HB flags

Carry His Name

Are you a missionary for Jesus? On June 1st, 2014 my family and I moved to Huntington Beach for the sole purpose of telling people the gospel: Jesus is the Christ who died...

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09. 06. 2014
blakey fam HB pier

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Jesus Christ. Who do you think of when you read his name? This thought is the most important thing about you. Last week my family and I moved to Huntington Beach. One night...

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28. 03. 2014
The Story of the Rainbow small

The Story of the Rainbow

There is a lot we could say about the Noah movie that comes out today. We could talk about the fallen angels trapped in giant rock bodies who help build the ark, the...

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18. 02. 2014
young spurgeon

Soul Winners

How much can teenagers really do for the glory of God? Sometimes the church today can look down at 16, 17 or 18 year olds and think they can’t do much at all....

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08. 01. 2014
caution tape

The Bomb Threat

A policeman was rolling out the yellow caution tape as I walked up to the park this morning. It was a bomb threat.  Past the flashing lights of the police cars, I could...

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